Thursday 7 December 2017

Photography Shoot with marks and textures that I have been experimenting with.

I went into the photography studio to shoot for my final outcome and it went relatively successful however there are a couple of things that could be improved.
This photo was taken by lighting the background through the use of a blue gel and then shining a second light at the subject through the acetate sheet. 
The acetate sheet had marks on it that most reminded me of a butterfly and its nature; I used cotton wool as I thought that the soft texture best resembled the nature of a butterfly. I used clingfilm as I thought this best complimented the cotton wool. The colour blue was used in these marks as I think that blue is more of a delicate colour than red, for example. I also used PVA glue to set the materials onto the acetate in a way that that creates a contrast between textures; some of the cotton wool would be rough, whilst the rest would be soft. This worked quite well.
In the beginning, when shooting I did not particularly like how the subject's face has been blurred out, however after looking over the photos I really like it. I like how it creates depth and shows layering. This kind of distorts reality in a sense as layers are created. 
However, I think that I need to add more layers to the photos by placing multiple sheets of acetate in front of and behind the subject. This will engage the audience more as they will begin to question how the artwork was created.

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